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Naked Gun - Wheelchair Ejection Seat
Watch the scene right at the very end of the movie, when Frank accidentally knocks Nordberg in his wheelchair down a flight of stairs.
When Nordberg is flung into the air, you can clearly see a cloud of 'smoke' - this is the vapour from the compressed gas system used to eject the dummy from the chair.
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Rated 5.0/10 (3 ratings) Your opinion?
Special Requirements: A copy of the movie
Contributed By: Hazzamon on 07-11-2004 and Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, ConCor
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sicilianslayer writes:
Yeah, if that was a slip up, so was the chalk outline in the water of Nordberg in the beginning, and the credits at the end. Get with it. It's a SPOOF movie.
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scruffieb writes:
Yeah, that is funny to watch. Not only because of the slip up, but because it's O.J. Simpson crashing down the stairs.
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