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Purple Rain - Tyre Change
Prince & Appolonia go down to the lake together. After he tells her she has to purify herself in the lake, she comes out and struggles to put on her trousers. Prince in the meantime, takes off on his bike. When he wheelspins, you can see the rear tyre is an off-road tyre.
He stops on the road and looks back. He wheelspins again, and now the tyre is a road tyre.
After he picks her up, he wheelspins again, and it's changed back to an off-road tyre.
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Special Requirements: A video of Purple Rain
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-29-2001 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Mister Voice writes:
If you look closer, you may notice that the bike itself isn't the type of bike what you think it is. The Honda 500 street motorcycle he which rides through out the entire movie is too big and awkward to ride in loose dirt (I owned one myself a few years back), so they made up a large dirt bike to look like his street bike. Hence the reason the back tire has an off road tread.
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Greg G. writes:
also in the same scene, apollonia just got out of the lake and is very wet, but when she gets on the bike (still wet), and they drive off....TAA DAA, her hair is very dry and puffed up and curley. has anyone examined her filled out card from the begining, where she meets the kid and he looks at her filled out card...her experiences are listed as singer and dancer...but when the kid (after missing the big important meeting), he's looking at her card that is hanging up...guess experiences are listed.
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